Year end and Christmas time are around the corner, there is this feel of slowing down and need of a recovery time and recharging our batteries but also a festivity seen in Christmas decoration, evening dresses, and delicious food on our window shopping. Celebrating Christmas and others occasions became unfortunately more of a consumption feast that takes us away from the essence of the celebration which is a sharing and honouring of a person or an event. I found it often sad to observe people waiting for an event or a date to celebrate and enjoy life while life is to celebrate every day.
Today in my coaching profession, I realised that I celebrate life and humanness with each of my clients and it is such a celebration on an hourly base. Through coaching, my clients are celebrating the essence of their life, their awareness, their potential, their new horizons and possibilities. Coaching is not an end by itself but a beginning of a ‘new way’ of being/thinking/acting, the process start after the sessions and the change can take place after the program.
The process starts by being self-aware and take notice of their actual life, their mind, their body and soul, their relationships and the systems they evolve in. From the moment they are aware and present in their body and life, they start to be aware of the choices they have and make changes in their lives. This is the celebration of being an AWARE human being, deciding consciously for your life and not letting life taking over.
Have you ever felt you are trapped in your life? Have you ever felt facing impossible situations? Have you ever felt so confused and in darkness? But also have you ever thought that ‘life’ as such is a gift? Have you ever considered waking up every morning and celebrating life?
This is the time of the year where you can stop time, reflect and ask yourself what you can celebrate in your life:
What can you celebrate today about your body and your health?
What can you celebrate today about your thoughts and deeds?
What can you celebrate about your successes?
What can you celebrate about your organisation and your team?
What are your relationships you can celebrate?
Who can you celebrate today? Your spouse, your children, your parents, your siblings, your friends, yourself…
By asking yourself these questions, you are scanning your life, acknowledging and celebrating what you already have. This can lead you to be grateful for what is and encourage you to bring changes in your life if you want to.
What a beautiful way to look at this end of 2010 and realise that it is only a new beginning and embrace all the excitement that comes with.
Happy festive season to all of us and whatever you are celebrating live it and be it authentically.
This article was originally published here, on