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4 October 2011
Best practice coaching

I have always been a perfectionist and in thirst of more knowledge. Last year, while I was accomplishing my Diploma as a Practitioner Coach, I had this urge and anxiety to know about all the existing coaching tools on the market. I am always striving for perfection with whatever I do. I still smile today […]

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13 December 2010
Celebrating Life Daily

Year end and Christmas time are around the corner, there is this feel of slowing down and need of a recovery time and recharging our batteries but also a festivity seen in Christmas decoration, evening dresses, and delicious food on our window shopping. Celebrating Christmas and others occasions became unfortunately more of a consumption feast […]

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24 October 2010
The warrior within

Through my coaching learning, I have been struggling with clients living in victim mode, it was very difficult for me to understand their perspective of the world. I kept on asking myself: what determines our attitude towards life? What make us look at the glass half full instead of half empty? An insight came to […]

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22 September 2010
Conscious Behaviour

I have been taking more and more interest in the English language and terminology. I love to decompose the words for a better understanding, it makes complete sense and it brings me to the origin of the word. So if we take the word ‘behaviour’, it is composed of ‘be’ (be) and ‘haviour’(have); and the […]

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15 August 2010
The balance in an un-balanced life

When I saw a call for an article about ‘balance’, I had hesitations to write as English is not my mother tongue and I am not ‘a coach’ with so many years of experience but the need to share my insight with you was stronger and here I am ‘daring’. My entire life I have […]

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